Player Info

User: nax
Class: dopefiend
Admin?: No
Level: 46
Next level: 3 days, 14:24:01
Status: Offline
Host: nax!nax@user/nax
Account Created: Tue Jun 25 18:31:40 2024
Last login: Sat Aug 31 12:22:24 2024
Total time idled: 41 days, 01:55:50
Current position: [410,385]
Alignment: Neutral
XML: [link]


Show map


amulet: 55
boots: 40
charm: 29
gloves: 37
helm: 24
leggings: 30
ring: 31
shield: 32
tunic: 60
weapon: 59

sum: 397


kick: None
logout: None
mesg: None
nick: 0 days, 04:08:30
part: None
quest: None
quit: 0 days, 07:29:37

total: 0 days, 11:38:07

Character Modifiers

[06/26/24 01:54:06] nax [19/24] has challenged Lord255 [1066/1147] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:03:56 is added to nax's clock.
[06/26/24 02:30:51] nax [22/36] has challenged ColonelPanic001 [138/834] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:03:02 is added to nax's clock.
[06/26/24 11:35:26] nax [23/129] has challenged tmberg [603/1142] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:13:42 is added to nax's clock.
[06/26/24 13:53:48] nax [47/129] has challenged Asara [225/619] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:17:21 is added to nax's clock.
[06/26/24 19:23:32] nax [116/135] has challenged Stevland [16/1097] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:38:55 is removed from nax's clock.
[06/26/24 21:25:26] nawcom [690/727] has come upon nax [21/135] and taken them in combat! 5 days, 21:28:21 is removed from nawcom's clock.
[06/26/24 21:59:15] nax [37/150] has challenged Garg [91/618] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:20:18 is added to nax's clock.
[06/27/24 06:22:02] GRIZZLYMAN [349/1035] has come upon nax [104/150] and taken them in combat! 2 days, 08:35:04 is removed from GRIZZLYMAN's clock.
[06/27/24 17:23:20] nax [41/169] has challenged Lord255 [327/1147] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:49:02 is added to nax's clock.
[06/27/24 23:02:58] buzel [181/673] has challenged nax [42/169] in combat and won! 3 days, 14:42:20 is removed from buzel's clock.
[06/28/24 01:01:06] nax [95/169] has challenged HollowWasp [573/641] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:37:55 is added to nax's clock.
[06/28/24 09:33:11] nax [121/201] has challenged Tangles [806/834] in combat and lost! 0 days, 01:00:30 is added to nax's clock.
[06/28/24 19:43:41] nax [188/201] has challenged Sario [533/993] in combat and lost! 0 days, 01:03:48 is added to nax's clock.
[06/29/24 03:06:24] nax was struck by lightning. This terrible calamity has slowed them 0 days, 00:23:19 from level 29.
[06/29/24 07:48:49] nax [110/219] has challenged aqsd [300/571] in combat and lost! 0 days, 01:21:24 is added to nax's clock.
[06/29/24 21:30:18] nax [125/219] has challenged enteral [286/1024] in combat and lost! 0 days, 01:17:15 is added to nax's clock.
[06/30/24 13:06:03] nax [100/219] has challenged Mat [580/910] in combat and lost! 0 days, 01:29:37 is added to nax's clock.
[07/01/24 09:08:58] nax [48/219] has challenged Affliction [28/539] in combat and won! 0 days, 04:02:35 is removed from nax's clock.
[07/02/24 00:21:35] nax [219/229] has challenged Garg [431/618] in combat and lost! 0 days, 02:00:36 is added to nax's clock.
[07/03/24 00:42:13] nax [9/229] has challenged Naomi [104/335] in combat and lost! 0 days, 01:48:48 is added to nax's clock.
[07/03/24 01:45:09] nax hit it off with a drunk sorority chick named Jenny! This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 02:24:01 towards level 35.
[07/04/24 02:01:25] nax [205/246] has challenged _sh [449/1085] in combat and lost! 0 days, 03:54:24 is added to nax's clock.
[07/07/24 03:10:19] nax [231/246] has challenged MELOONi [622/1155] in combat and lost! 0 days, 03:50:04 is added to nax's clock.
[07/07/24 04:45:46] nax [229/246] has come upon arv [338/577] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 02:35:50 is added to nax's clock.
[07/07/24 17:32:43] SirBummelz [66/890] has challenged nax [47/246] in combat and won! 5 days, 12:09:10 is removed from SirBummelz's clock.
[07/07/24 23:10:55] nax found a kitten! This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 01:42:09 towards level 37.
[07/07/24 23:17:08] Gangsterish [704/1090] has challenged nax [160/246] in combat and won! 4 days, 23:11:34 is removed from Gangsterish's clock.
[07/08/24 06:54:11] nax discovered caffeinated coffee! This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 01:11:09 towards level 37.
[07/08/24 17:36:46] nax [101/251] has challenged HollowWasp [88/657] in combat and won! 0 days, 05:39:40 is removed from nax's clock.
[07/09/24 05:18:42] misha, kinus, and nax [164/1913] have team battled bsleep, Lord255, and t3chn0 [2713/2819] and lost! 0 days, 04:36:57 is added to their clocks.
[07/09/24 14:59:15] nax got their COVID-19 vaccination! This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 01:26:29 towards level 38.
[07/09/24 19:45:26] nax [191/253] has come upon Ancalagon [709/870] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 01:03:45 is added to nax's clock.
[07/10/24 08:37:38] nax [162/283] has challenged Daikojun [431/704] in combat and lost! 0 days, 04:13:18 is added to nax's clock.
[07/11/24 08:23:16] Pinkman [403/981] has come upon nax [61/283] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 18:34:09 is removed from Pinkman's clock.
[07/11/24 12:57:56] nax hit it off with a drunk sorority chick named Jenny! This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 02:03:04 towards level 39.
[07/24/24 15:08:09] nax [251/287] has challenged Stevland [205/1097] in combat and won! 0 days, 10:52:58 is removed from nax's clock.
[08/16/24 18:32:52] nax [200/287] has come upon kinus [530/765] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 03:33:23 is added to nax's clock.
[08/17/24 15:30:29] hdm [106/1169] has challenged nax [196/287] in combat and lost! 7 days, 13:07:44 is added to hdm's clock.
[08/17/24 16:30:02] hax404 [227/658] has come upon nax [226/287] and taken them in combat! 5 days, 09:45:00 is removed from hax404's clock.
[08/18/24 06:26:06] nax [239/291] has challenged ToeCheese [23/323] in combat and won! 0 days, 06:18:43 is removed from nax's clock.
[08/18/24 20:46:00] Lnk [38/1147] has come upon nax [229/291] and been defeated in combat! 2 days, 10:30:24 is added to Lnk's clock.
[08/19/24 00:44:31] pastly [308/678] has come upon nax [139/291] and taken them in combat! 1 day, 06:08:51 is removed from pastly's clock.
[08/20/24 11:34:18] RussellB, bookworm, nax, and fork have blessed the realm by completing their quest! 25% of their burden is eliminated.
[08/20/24 14:19:29] nax [132/294] has challenged GilbertErik [828/1028] in combat and lost! 0 days, 07:19:18 is added to nax's clock.
[08/20/24 18:32:46] allo [736/867] has come upon nax [73/294] and taken them in combat! 1 day, 17:33:39 is removed from allo's clock.
[08/20/24 21:05:47] Ungoliant, el, and Cockatrice [2879/2951] have team battled jaxson, Wam, and nax [1950/2515] and won! 2 days, 03:03:26 is removed from their clocks.
[08/20/24 23:00:16] d4n13L [112/693] has come upon nax [62/294] and taken them in combat! 5 days, 22:28:03 is removed from d4n13L's clock.
[08/21/24 04:08:14] jabuxas, vectr0n, and nax [252/1303] have team battled MetaNova, Fischmiep, and Thorael [2504/2781] and lost! 0 days, 02:31:00 is added to their clocks.
[08/21/24 07:59:01] nax, adamus1red, and Ankhers [1994/2035] have team battled Kachin, d4n13L, and V [443/2942] and won! 0 days, 13:04:47 is removed from their clocks.
[08/22/24 11:00:56] DojShadow [448/695] has come upon nax [73/294] and taken them in combat! 2 days, 19:22:31 is removed from DojShadow's clock.
[08/22/24 19:59:53] nax stopped using dial-up! This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 01:28:02 towards level 42.
[08/23/24 03:36:01] nax found a kitten! This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 00:39:04 towards level 42.
[08/23/24 10:11:04] nax [23/310] has challenged slim [206/1340] in combat and lost! 0 days, 09:20:34 is added to nax's clock.
[08/23/24 10:36:07] nax was attacked by a rabid cow. This terrible calamity has slowed them 0 days, 08:26:50 from level 43.
[08/23/24 17:55:37] OobSaco, nax, and Sombra [382/2528] have team battled scumola, Stevland, and hax404 [531/2497] and lost! 0 days, 09:13:48 is added to their clocks.
[08/24/24 02:48:31] nax was accepted into Pi Beta Phi! This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 10:29:11 towards level 43.
[08/27/24 12:09:02] mdpv [14/18] has challenged nax [218/310] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:01:42 is added to mdpv's clock.
[08/27/24 16:18:57] nax stopped using dial-up! This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 06:20:06 towards level 43.
[08/30/24 07:21:56] Bunny [123/211] has come upon nax [248/310] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 00:15:47 is added to Bunny's clock.
[08/30/24 16:23:07] nax gained a sixth sense! This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 00:02:21 towards level 43.
[08/30/24 17:07:47] nax [338/340] has challenged dots [163/290] in combat and won! 0 days, 08:52:01 is removed from nax's clock.
[08/31/24 23:37:06] nax [297/340] has come upon dwfreed [522/1188] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 07:27:19 is added to nax's clock.
[09/02/24 05:30:51] nax found a one-time-use spell of quickness! This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 03:58:07 towards level 44.
[09/02/24 19:37:46] dots [7/293] has challenged nax [34/340] in combat and lost! 0 days, 03:17:00 is added to dots's clock.
[09/03/24 17:13:59] nax [4/367] has challenged vegadark [534/1019] in combat and lost! 0 days, 14:51:26 is added to nax's clock.
[09/03/24 21:25:49] nax bit their tongue. This terrible calamity has slowed them 0 days, 07:29:48 from level 45.
[09/04/24 12:04:28] Mat, DividedByZero, and nax [1191/2155] have team battled slim, \dev\ice, and pants [1173/3901] and won! 0 days, 19:47:46 is removed from their clocks.
[09/04/24 12:49:50] Kachin, nya, and sky [1630/2512] have team battled caeli, nax, and Nysdar [205/2014] and won! 2 days, 19:00:01 is removed from their clocks.
[09/04/24 18:45:31] nax discovered a secret, underground passage! This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 08:13:07 towards level 45.
[09/06/24 16:07:56] Raithmir [210/387] has challenged nax [105/367] in combat and won! 0 days, 09:20:34 is removed from Raithmir's clock.
[09/06/24 18:15:18] CptKillmor [33/149] has challenged nax [100/367] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:15:48 is added to CptKillmor's clock.
[09/06/24 23:12:00] nax died, temporarily... This terrible calamity has slowed them 0 days, 01:50:22 from level 45.
[09/07/24 21:14:44] nax found an exploit in the IRPG code! This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 01:09:00 towards level 45.
[09/08/24 01:01:12] pants, Zaratustra, and Faradome [2101/2597] have team battled sparogy, nax, and solarsparq [508/2009] and won! 0 days, 15:01:34 is removed from their clocks.
[09/08/24 06:32:58] nax [174/383] has challenged Neil [155/841] in combat and won! 0 days, 21:12:42 is removed from nax's clock.
[09/08/24 22:41:55] gryphus [331/414] has come upon nax [316/383] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 15:21:21 is removed from gryphus's clock.
[09/10/24 11:58:24] nax [181/383] has come upon Raithmir [26/387] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 05:47:38 is removed from nax's clock.
[09/12/24 16:07:04] nax [101/397] has challenged shikhin [1009/1215] in combat and lost! 0 days, 19:59:31 is added to nax's clock.
[09/12/24 20:22:53] nax [199/397] has challenged damyan [748/1044] in combat and lost! 0 days, 18:38:47 is added to nax's clock.
[09/13/24 06:37:22] nax grew an extra leg! This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 19:34:16 towards level 47.
[09/13/24 09:00:46] MetaNova, nax, and Sario [2459/2691] have team battled lelu, bsleep, and V [1631/2227] and won! 1 day, 07:11:30 is removed from their clocks.
[09/14/24 10:46:04] nax bought a faster computer! This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 07:55:15 towards level 47.
[09/14/24 11:00:47] Cockatrice [90/905] has come upon nax [264/397] and been defeated in combat! 1 day, 22:20:08 is added to Cockatrice's clock.
[09/14/24 15:34:53] dyvonna [419/741] has challenged nax [54/397] in combat and won! 2 days, 23:35:20 is removed from dyvonna's clock.