Player Info
User: Centrixx
Class: Trixter
Admin?: No
Level: 76
Next level: 74 days, 18:31:37
Status: Offline
Host: Centrixx!~Centrixx@bnc4free/staff/centrixx
Account Created: Fri Jun 4 19:15:53 2021
Last login: Tue Jan 28 19:53:22 2025
Total time idled: 678 days, 06:49:49
Current position: [238,145]
Alignment: Evil
XML: [link]
amulet: 58
boots: 296 [Mrquick's Magical Boots of Swiftness]
charm: 46
gloves: 72
helm: 73 [Mattt's Omniscience Grand Crown]
leggings: 53
ring: 73
shield: 55
tunic: 90 [Res0's Protectorate Plate Mail]
weapon: 340 [Jeff's Cluehammer of Doom]
sum: 1156
kick: None
logout: None
mesg: None
nick: 13 days, 02:16:29
part: 7 days, 00:00:00
quest: 2 days, 10:58:53
quit: 58 days, 14:23:08
total: 81 days, 03:38:30
Character Modifiers
[08/04/23 23:43:48] TimeWarp, thornrag, and Chuck [703/2220] have team battled BenDover, Centrixx, and Blohsh [1755/1946] and lost! 0 days, 22:49:34 is added to their clocks.
[08/05/23 23:49:17] Centrixx [351/1040] has come upon Daikojun [154/580] and taken them in combat! 10 days, 08:01:42 is removed from Centrixx's clock.
[08/06/23 00:01:41] GRIZZLYMAN, Daikojun, and bananaboat [2116/2298] have team battled Centrixx, fork, and ChowderKeg [2123/2226] and lost! 2 days, 16:42:51 is added to their clocks.
[08/06/23 12:40:12] CodeB, Zed_Spiker, and noex [262/1979] have team battled Centrixx, Mat, and Bolded [128/2659] and won! 0 days, 09:52:25 is removed from their clocks.
[08/06/23 19:22:26] Centrixx was taught to run quickly by a secret tribe of pygmies that know how to, among other things, run quickly! This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 8 days, 01:22:07 towards level 77.
[View all Character Modifiers (1077)]