Player Info

User: SSLbits
Class: Soylent-Drinker
Admin?: No
Level: 77
Next level: 0 days, 07:43:42
Status: Online
Host: SSLbits!~SSLbits@user/sslbits
Account Created: Fri Jan 28 20:37:17 2022
Last login: Wed Jul 17 18:56:24 2024
Total time idled: 840 days, 11:40:59
Current position: [389,261]
Alignment: Neutral
XML: [link]


Show map


amulet: 174 [Dwyn's Storm Magic Amulet]
boots: 45
charm: 57
gloves: 50
helm: 64
leggings: 100
ring: 71 [Juliet's Glorious Ring of Sparkliness]
shield: 57
tunic: 105 [Res0's Protectorate Plate Mail]
weapon: 311 [Jeff's Cluehammer of Doom]

sum: 1034


kick: None
logout: None
mesg: None
nick: 9 days, 06:48:34
part: None
quest: 5 days, 12:58:52
quit: 99 days, 04:06:08

total: 113 days, 23:53:34

Character Modifiers

[07/21/24 20:42:36] Verily I say unto thee, the Heavens have burst forth, and the blessed hand of God carried SSLbits 3 days, 20:14:41 toward level 78.
[07/22/24 01:48:04] figment, enteral, SSLbits, and fork have completed their journey! 25% of their burden is eliminated.
[07/22/24 06:37:35] Fischmiep, hdm, and SSLbits [486/2688] have team battled Kritzefitz, canton7, and kenyon [1435/3168] and lost! 0 days, 21:49:51 is added to their clocks.
[07/22/24 08:47:50] misha, dyvonna, and jra [956/2126] have team battled SSLbits, Wam, and Drin [2610/3350] and lost! 1 day, 01:01:38 is added to their clocks.
[07/23/24 03:48:00] SSLbits was accepted into Pi Beta Phi! This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 06:35:19 towards level 78.

[View all Character Modifiers (1151)]