Player Info

User: alexlehm
Class: dazed_and_confused
Admin?: No
Level: 69
Next level: 53 days, 19:30:15
Status: Offline
Host: alexlehm!alexlehm@user/alexlehm
Account Created: Sun Feb 5 12:59:17 2023
Last login: Mon May 20 17:00:12 2024
Total time idled: 435 days, 09:47:26
Current position: [224,258]
Alignment: Good
XML: [link]


Show map


amulet: 106 [Dwyn's Storm Magic Amulet]
boots: 41
charm: 36
gloves: 36
helm: 61 [Mattt's Omniscience Grand Crown]
leggings: 33
ring: 72
shield: 58
tunic: 38
weapon: 279 [Jeff's Cluehammer of Doom]

sum: 760


kick: None
logout: None
mesg: None
nick: None
part: None
quest: 1 day, 11:10:26
quit: 6 days, 19:20:55

total: 8 days, 06:31:21

Character Modifiers

[07/05/24 05:36:03] Theleveler [314/776] has come upon alexlehm [204/836] and taken them in combat! 6 days, 10:29:48 is removed from Theleveler's clock.
[07/05/24 11:16:15] alexlehm [745/836] has come upon hcf [162/200] and taken them in combat! 4 days, 21:22:14 is removed from alexlehm's clock.
[07/07/24 16:06:20] Ankhers, idlegood, and alexlehm [508/2430] have team battled fstrelok, crack, and dwfreed [71/2245] and won! 6 days, 05:42:07 is removed from their clocks.
[07/08/24 13:13:39] alexlehm ate a poisonous fruit. This terrible calamity has slowed them 4 days, 16:36:50 from level 70.
[07/09/24 01:44:42] dyvonna, Yarosh, and Puff [1219/1958] have team battled dwfreed, Kody, and alexlehm [2511/2807] and lost! 0 days, 10:01:38 is added to their clocks.

[View all Character Modifiers (728)]