Player Info

User: hiod
Class: iss-you
Admin?: No
Level: 55
Next level: 21 days, 20:26:38
Status: Online
Host: allypost!~allypost@user/allypost
Account Created: Wed Oct 18 11:21:02 2023
Last login: Sun Jul 21 15:54:25 2024
Total time idled: 120 days, 16:34:47
Current position: [113,71]
Alignment: Evil
XML: [link]


Show map


amulet: 134 [Dwyn's Storm Magic Amulet]
boots: 254 [Mrquick's Magical Boots of Swiftness]
charm: 54
gloves: 45
helm: 60
leggings: 39
ring: 31
shield: 54
tunic: 106 [Res0's Protectorate Plate Mail]
weapon: 327 [Jeff's Cluehammer of Doom]

sum: 1104


kick: None
logout: None
mesg: None
nick: None
part: 0 days, 23:01:58
quest: 0 days, 03:19:33
quit: 1 day, 02:48:39

total: 2 days, 05:10:10

Character Modifiers

[07/25/24 00:32:52] hiod was struck by lightning. This terrible calamity has slowed them 0 days, 02:32:13 from level 55.
[07/25/24 09:14:05] unicron, HeavyPodda, and zifnab06 [41/2919] have team battled elf, hiod, and Ancalagon [1206/2720] and lost! 3 days, 08:38:33 is added to their clocks.
[07/25/24 20:52:09] Fehu [453/606] has come upon hiod [979/985] and been defeated in combat! 19 days, 00:53:31 is added to Fehu's clock.
[07/26/24 00:13:39] hiod [764/985] has challenged "\@_ [641/897] in combat and won! 5 days, 02:49:00 is removed from hiod's clock.
[07/26/24 18:45:19] hiod, Pinkman, and Pricey [1204/2823] have team battled jacob1, t3chn0, and Daikojun [1786/2481] and lost! 3 days, 16:41:58 is added to their clocks.

[View all Character Modifiers (214)]